Save the Player, Save the Game

  • Background

Concussion has been linked to early onset dementia and is of increasing concern to players in a number of sports. Injury risk is one of the major reasons for parents stopping their children playing contact sports.

  • Our Vision

To speed recovery and set back the advance of early onset dementia for all sports people through the use of science and technology.

  • Our Mission

To drive the development of new products and processes that prevent, diagnose and treat concussion related issues including, but not limited to, early onset dementia for sportspeople.

Our envisioned future...

  1. Education - Players, coaches, families educated on prevention, identification and treatment.
  2. Diagnosis - Every pitch-side team has an instant concussion diagnostic device.
  3. Protection - Every player has access to technology that mitigates vascular damage.
  4. Play - Our sports continue to be played as we know them, by all, young and old.

The Team

Please add your name to our sign-up sheet. The simple weight of numbers is making a difference to the pressure we can apply to finding solutions.
Sign up HERE

USA Donors

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