Who we are

Atlas Ireland is headed by International Legend, Shane Byrne. With Shane's touring history for Ireland and the British and Irish Lions, he is very aware of the poverty that he saw overseas. Therefore Atlas Ireland is born from his desire and will to focus on addressing similar issues in other continents as well as close to home. 

Registered Charity Number (RCN) 20205774 

Our projects

Focusing on rugby as a tool for peace, reconciliation and social inclusion, Shane reflects on his experience of rugby as a uniting power between the North and South of his country. Atlas Ireland is proud that rugby has a history of playing across borders irrespective of underlying tensions. 

We are partnered with International Mixed Ability Sports, offering the chance to achieve higher levels of social inclusion with an emphasis on marginalised young people. This includes those recovering from trauma, those with physical disabilities, life-limiting illnesses and mental health issues. By participating in Mixed Ability Rugby sessions, it aims to create an inclusive, representative and fun environment that breaks down barriers and stigma, and creates strong supportive bonds.

Shane has also already visited Zimbabwe and Zambia where he handed out boots and balls to the children there who otherwise played barefoot.